Thursday, February 23, 2006

Exposure Practise

Patrick Roy
Originally uploaded by null photography.
My dad has recently purchased a book on getting the correct exposure during photography. I just finished reading the book a couple days ago and I wanted to put some of my new found knowledge to the test. I used to always shoot on aperture-priority and have it set all the way to f/4 or f/5.6, after reading the book they suggest if the subject(s) and background are all roughly the same distance than to shoot at f/8 and f/11 because they give much better contrast and quality. And I think this photo came out alot better because of this. Also I would shoot with an auto ISO so if the camera though I would be too over or under exposed it would adjust my ISO to compensate. Usually it would set it alot higher and I would get grainier images. Now if I have the time I'm going to turn that off and shoot at ISO 200 or 400 which I did for this photo. The camera would have set it to ISO 1200 or higher because it was so dark. I also tried out using manual mode, it works good when I have time to play around but when I'm out and about I think I will stick to the A, S, and P settings.

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